It Takes A Village . . . whether building or operating a successful business, raising a productive family, creating great art, or competing in sporting events, truer words have rarely been spoken.  How does a group harness the energy and synchronicity necessary for a positive “village” experience, in just a few short hours?  Let us show you, in our original event that is equal parts creative, collaborative, and charitable . . . ok, we’ll throw in “competitive” just for FUN! 

Before your group is broken into teams, you will participate in an ice-breaking activity (or two) to get the vigor and verve flowing.  After that, teams are created, and the challenge is presented . . . create the facade of an important building in a village, AND fill that building with an appropriate product, to be donated to a worthy charity. Imagine roaming through a “ballroom village,” and visiting the village pharmacy which provides first-aid kits for schools; followed by the army/navy store which supplies commonly-requested supplies for hospitalized veterans; after which you stop at the village toy store, complete with brand-new toys ready to be delivered to a children’s hospital; ultimately stopping at an authentic 1950s soda shop, where “snack packs” for hungry children have been assembled.  These are just a few of the village entities that may exist in the event. 

In addition to designing and building the store-front, teams are tasked with creating a company/store name, designing a company/store logo, and preparing a commercial, to be performed in public, which includes facts on the particular store and its supplies, history, and participants. 

For an “added bonus,” stores can be provided with various illumination supplies, and, as the “roaming of the streets” occurs, the “sun” will set, and the lights will gleam.  Are you looking to customize your event for a certain city?  New York, Las Vegas, New Orleans, Paris . . . they’re all up for grabs!

The culmination of the event occurs when a representative from a local charity receives your kind donation on behalf of its members.  When possible, a surprise visit from a charity representative, and even the individuals it serves, exhilarates and further enthuses your group, proving that you are one mighty village.

To ensure an outstanding experience, aspects of this event may be modified to maximize the benefits for your group size, makeup, available time, and other variables.  

Our team building professionals pride themselves on being a “one-stop shop” for your corporate events and team building needs.  Not only do we produce top-notch events, led by our outstanding team of lead facilitators, but we provide the accessories to customize your event.  Whether you’re looking for t-shirts, caps, customized bandanas, or something entirely different, for a nominal fee, we are able to take care of the logistics, ordering, and delivery of promotional products to enhance and customize your event.

  • Event Length:  2 hours
  • Event Space/Area:  20 square feet per person in a flat, open area
  • Event Setting:  inside

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